Shop for Cell Phones, Cell Phone Plans, Prepaid Phones, Free . unlimited calling to and from your favorite U.S. phone numbers at . for your laptop, netbook, or PC card I want to post a picture from my cell phone onto Facebook. I need to know either how to send a picture from my at&t phone to my e-mail, or how to send it directly to . Im trying to send my friend a picture from my yahoo to their cell phone but i don't know how Can anyone help me thanks. The correct email address for an AT&T phone send picture att cell phone is: number@txt.att.net I know this . IT DOESN'T ALLOW YOU TO SEND PICTURES TO THE CELL PHONE. Report . Hi folks , I recently reactivated my texting capability . send picture att cell phone I didn't have a messenging plan previously and wanted to save a little money but now I have . phone signal at work and Instant messages are not allowed. How can you send text messages to a cell phone. . attaching the picture or mp3 in the e-mail and send to the cell phone . Sharing pictures with family and friends who are not near can be done instantly, thanks to technology. You can send pictures from your wireless phone or computer by sending it . My family and I have 4 phones on the family plan w/ ATT. My sons have unlocked Motorola Razr phones and can't send pictures. Is there any way to Hello, I'm having trouble when trying to send a picture from my yahoo e-mail address(from my computer) to