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Boston College, which also paid about 2 percent in fees for each tuition payment and had more than $70 million in credit card transactions in 2002 .
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Fees and other charges can be paid by cash, cheque (payable to
Can I pay my online bill with a credit card? Boston College does not accept credit card payments for tuition, fees, or room and board except for students in the Woods College of .
Ed Mierzwinski is trying to get the word out to college students that the free T-shirt or teddy bear or sub sandwich they accept in exchange for signing up for a .
Joe Feeney, who is not related to the judge, is a freshman at Boston College. Feeney says student mailboxes
are stuffed with credit card offers, and solicitors set up .
After May 31, parents will be reaching for their check books rather than their credit cards in order to pay their child's tuition, fees, and room and board at Boston College .
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